Home Certificate in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Certification in Vermont

Criminal Justice Certification in Vermont

Why Should I Get a Criminal Justice Certificate in Vermont?

The state of Vermont is often among the first to adopt new advances and changes in the field of criminal justice, leading to better outcomes for victims and offenders.

Vermont recently became one of the first states to participate in the country’s police activity tracking database (VT Digger, 2016). This database tracks traffic stops, traffic fatalities, DUI arrests, and officer-involved shootings, increasing accountability.

There are many criminal justice career paths with a growing shortage of professionals, making this the optimal time to learn more about earning a certificate in criminal justice.

Contact schools near you with criminal justice certificates today.

What Kind of Criminal Justice Certificates are Available in Vermont?

While you may apply for acceptance to a certificate program with an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree, these programs are also designed to be accessible to those who have not attended college or university.

They blend theory and practice to help you smoothly transition into a variety of criminal justice jobs after graduation.

Paralegal Technical Certificate Requirements (36 credits)

  • Legal Research Methods
    • Find out how to use reliable sources to research cases and precedents.
  • Legal Document Production
    • Students in this class explore various types of legal documents and paperwork before learning how to properly fill out and file documents for processing.
  • Legal Writing
    • Turn your research and notes into clear, concise reports with legal writing techniques in this class.
  • Civil Rights and the Law
    • This class covers the civil rights of suspects and how the law protects them from unfair trials and sentencing.

Criminal Justice Technical Certificate Requirements (27 credits)

  • Law Enforcement in America
    • In this course, learn about the history of law enforcement in America and what role police officers currently play in the safety of this country.
  • National Security and Terrorism
    • This course has a broad scope, covering national security threats, terrorist threats over the years, and how homeland security professionals detect and prevent attacks.
  • Criminology
    • Instructors teach students how crime rates differ across communities and which factors make an individual more likely to participate in criminal activity.
  • American Judicial Process
    • Students in this class learn about the complex judicial process of the United States. Once you have an understanding of the federal process, you may learn more about the specifics of the Vermont judicial process.

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Certificate in Vermont?

Once you graduate with a criminal justice degree in Vermont, you may be ready to check out job openings and enter the workforce.

As a paralegal, you may process paperwork, set up appointments with clients, and carry out research tasks for your supervising lawyer. The average salary for a Vermont paralegal is $52,240 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). O*Net predicts a 5% increase in job openings by the year 2024 (O*Net, 2016).

Security guards may work for a security firm, which often involves going to different locations each day to provide security on an as-needed basis. However, you may also be employed directly by retail establishments, businesses, and homes. The average annual income for a security guard is $29,090 (BLS, 2016). From 2014 through 2024, demand for security guards may increase 3% in Vermont (O*Net, 2016).

Parking enforcement workers verify that cars are parked safely and legally. They may write tickets when a car does not meet these standards. On average, they earn $38,470 per year (BLS, 2016).

Theres no better time than right now to start getting ready for a future in criminal justice.

Discover how you can earn your criminal justice certification by requesting information from the Vermont schools listed below.

Online programs may not be available in all areas