Home Certificate in Criminal Justice Idaho Criminal Justice Certification

Idaho Criminal Justice Certification

Why Should I Get a Criminal Justice Certificate in Idaho?

If you’re looking for a career that allows you to make a real, long-term difference in your community, there’s no better field than criminal justice.

Criminal justice protects victims and residents, of course, but it also ensures that those who have gone astray have the chance to do their time and integrate back into society.

Idaho is an excellent place to earn a certificate in criminal justice; professionals adhere to evidence-based standards that improve outcomes for offenders. The Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections is one of the most effective juvenile justice agencies in the country (Post Register, 2016). It balances accountability, community protection, and competency development.

The agency places a high priority on offender privacy, a move that allows juvenile offenders to get the help and rehabilitative services they need without having their names forever associated with their crimes.

Ready to explore your career options in Idaho?

Find out how you can earn a criminal justice degree in Idaho by contacting local schools below.

What Kind of Criminal Justice Certificates are Available in Idaho?

The primary type of certificate available at Idaho schools is a technical certificate. This type of certificate is generally offered by community colleges and technical schools. It is shorter and less extensive than an Associate’s degree, since this type of program does not typically have general education requirements.

The specific length of each program is decided by the institution and the licensing laws of that area of study. Generally, full-time students can earn a certificate in one to two years.

Law Enforcement Technical Certificate Requirements (32 credits)

  • Law Enforcement Basics
    • Get an overview of the law enforcement industry and the duties you take on as a law enforcement professional.
  • Detention Procedures
    • Learn the proper procedures for detaining suspects and offenders. This course covers offenderscivil rights and the standards you must follow in Idaho.
  • Juvenile Delinquency
    • Explore the root causes of juvenile delinquency and its long-term effects in this industry. You may learn techniques for working with juvenile offenders who are good candidates for rehabilitation.
  • Criminal Procedures
    • Delve into the procedures that law enforcement professionals use to detain, hold, and question suspects.

Legal Assistant Technical Certificate Requirements (45 credits)

  • Contract Law
    • Students get an introduction to contract law and how it is used to ensure fairness in tenancy agreements, employment contracts, and other types of contracts.
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
    • Find out how law firms that specialize in criminal law run, what the procedure is for securing a criminal law expert, and how you may help your supervising lawyer in these cases.
  • Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing
    • Conduct effective and accurate research on legal matters while learning how to create and edit legal documents.
  • Law Office Management
    • This course covers the techniques used to keep a law office running smoothly on a daily basis.

Legal Office Technology Technical Certificate Requirements (33 credits)

  • Business Document Processing
    • This course explores safe and efficient ways to process legal documents and forms.
  • Legal Terminology
    • Master common legal terminology and learn how to use it correctly.
  • Legal Document Drafting
    • In this course, students learn how to write and prepare legal documents to be filed with the court.
  • Electronic Office Concepts
    • Explore the concepts of the modern law office and figure out how technology helps offices run more smoothly.

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Certificate in Idaho?

Your certificate should guide you to a relevant career path that makes you feel fulfilled and well-prepared. If you specialize in law enforcement, you may become a police officer and keep the streets of Idaho safe. Job openings for police officers may increase 12% between 2014 and 2024 (O*Net, 2016). The average salary for an Idaho police officer is $50,060 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016).

Those who go into legal assisting or legal technology may have a number of options to consider. Paralegals are indispensable in law offices, conducting research and filing documents with the county court. In Idaho, they claim an average salary of $41,840 per year (BLS, 2016).

You may also use your legal experience to become a bailiff and maintain order in the courtroom. By 2024, demand for bailiffs may increase 11% in Idaho (O*Net, 2016). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an average annual income of $37,160 (2016).

Criminal justice certification may change the course of your career and get you involved in a field you’re passionate about.

Find the best certification program for your needs by requesting information from Idaho schools today.

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