Home Master's Degree Programs in Criminal Justice Master’s in Criminal Justice Programs in Oklahoma

Master’s in Criminal Justice Programs in Oklahoma

The key to success in any industry is growth. Regardless of how profitable, successful, or well-received an industry is, it will quickly fail if it does not grow and adapt in line with outside factors. This is especially true in a field like criminal justice, which plays a major role in social equality, fairness, and public safety.

What Can I Do With My Master’s in Criminal Justice in Oklahoma?

Are you ready to take your criminal justice career to the next level? At criminal justice graduate programs in Oklahoma, you can strengthen your understanding of important issues and put yourself in a position to become a leader. Learn more by contacting schools below.

Justice leaders in Oklahoma are always looking for ways to improve the industry and make their procedures more evidence-based. Oklahoma has had a number of mishandled domestic abuse cases, leading experts and advocates in the specialty to call for expanded training in this area (News OK, 2015).

Taking on a high-level position in this industry may also mean handling issues that require creative problem solving. A recent bill in the United States capped prisoner call rates, which may cost large Oklahoma counties up to $500,000 per year (News OK, 2015).

Exploring local job postings is one way to find out how you can use a graduate degree in this field. Through 2030, job openings for police supervisors may increase 8% (CareerOneStop, 2022). This time frame may also see 80 probation officer job openings a year (CareerOneStop, 2022).

More education may lead to greater income opportunities. Oklahoma police supervisors earn an average of $81,130 per year and probation officers earn an average of $45,860 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022).

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Oklahoma contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

What Will It Take to Earn My Criminal Justice Graduate Degree in Oklahoma?

As you learn about different career paths, you may begin to see that a master’s degree in criminal justice in Oklahoma can further your work in many different ways. A master’s in criminal justice may cover the most current and relevant issues in this field, but there are other options to consider.

Specialized graduate degrees may be a good fit for those who are extremely clear about their career goals and know precisely which settings they want to work in.

Available criminal justice graduate programs in Oklahoma include the following:

  • Forensic document examination
  • Criminology
  • Criminal justice management and administration
  • Forensic science
  • Forensic science administration

On average, you’ll need to complete 33 credits of education to get your criminal justice master’s degree. An internship is highly recommended in this field, both for the work experience it provides and how it prepares you for postgraduate work.

Exploring the curricula for the various criminal justice programs may make your school decision much easier. While most schools have similar core program requirements, you should find that each school has its own areas of concentration and specialized training.

Your curriculum may include courses like these:

  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice
  • Ethical Decision Making for Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Policy Development
  • Correctional Leadership
  • Juvenile and Elderly Offenders in Prisons
  • Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System

Scholarships are one type of financial aid, but as a graduate student, you may also qualify for graduate assistantships, deferred loan payments, and federal grants. Scholarships are often funded by local groups like the Oklahoma Correctional Association.

A Master of Science in criminal justice in Oklahoma is an essential part of influencing change in this industry. Get involved now by contacting Oklahoma schools below.