Home Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice in Montana

Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice in Montana

When you’re interested in a new career field, it can be difficult to choose a path that gets you into your dream career. In the state of Montana, you can consider a criminal justice associate degree as an excellent first step. Associate programs in Montana pave the way for careers in various criminal justice specialties, letting you learn more about your options and tailor your education to fit your goals.

Researchers in Montana are currently focused on reducing the amount of money that Montana spends on its prison system (Billings Gazette, 2016). They hope to rely more on the use of detention facilities and treatment programs while building up their probation and parole programs. This is expected to lead to an increase in probation and parole officer positions.

Keep reading to learn more about what it takes to earn an associate degree, then contact Montana schools below to start preparing for your education.

Criminal Justice Associate Programs in Montana

The layout of Montana means that you may have to be a bit flexible in your school choices and options. Community and technical colleges are located throughout Montana, providing two-year criminal justice degrees. However, certain four-year universities also offer associate degree programs in this field.

If there are few schools located close to you or you want to expand your options, consider earning your degree online. Online criminal justice schools offer evidence-based curricula, online learning experiences, and interaction with professors and other students.

Costs vary between in-person two-year schools, in-person four-year schools, and online schools.

Average costs for a Montana associate degree can be found below with other degree completion requirements:

  • Timeframe: 2 to 2.5 years
  • Credits: 60 to 69 credits
  • Average tuition cost per year: $3,250 (College Board, 2016)

Montana has a strong criminal justice community, a fact that may help you when you start applying for scholarships. The Montana Police Protective Association Foundation awards scholarships to law enforcement students. If you want to work in another area of criminal justice, check out relevant professional organizations for scholarship programs.

As you learn more about criminal justice associate degree Montana programs, you may come across other relevant degree options. In Montana, these options include law enforcement, private security, and paralegal studies. If you need to narrow down your list further, compare curriculum requirements to find schools that are a good fit for you.

The courses listed below are commonly required in paralegal programs:

  • Computers and Law
  • Legal Ethics
  • Legal Writing
  • Criminal Procedures
  • Civil Litigation
  • Contemporary Legal Issues
  • Trial Preparation
  • Family Law
  • Estate Administration

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Degree in Montana?

Associate degree in criminal justice jobs are available in many areas, which may help you try different positions and find a career path that works for you. Overall, job growth in Montana slightly outpaces national job growth in this industry.

By 2022, O*Net anticipates a 13% increase in transportation security officer jobs in Montana (2016). During this timeframe, job openings for police patrol officers may jump 13% (O*Net, 2016). A 12% boost in job openings for bailiffs is expected between 2012 and 2022 (O*Net, 2016).

Salaries vary in Montana. Due to the nature of criminal justice, salaries are often set by county and state agencies. You may find that your income potential increases as you spend time with a specific agency.

The average salary for a Montana transportation security officer is $38,090 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Montana police patrol officers bring in an average of $49,630 per year (BLS, 2016). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an average salary of $30,910 annually for bailiffs (2016).

A criminal justice associate degree in applied science can help you study Montana law while simultaneously developing practical work skills.

Get more information on training options now by contacting Montana schools below.

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