Home Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice in Arkansas

Associate Degrees in Criminal Justice in Arkansas

With so many industries and career paths looking for qualified professionals, it can be difficult to choose an area of study that can interest you for years to come. A career in criminal justice may fit the bill.

Studying law, criminology, correction procedures, and industry standards can give you special insight into this field and help you contribute to safety efforts in Arkansas.

Regardless of which work environment you would like to work in, the nature of the criminal justice industry means that all legislation and changes in this field somehow impact your work.

In Arkansas, a growing problem is the significant increase in the prison population (UALR Public Radio, 2016). Professionals are undergoing significant efforts to decrease the population through changes in sentencing, a focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment, and better prevention of crime.

Find out what you may be able to accomplish with an associate degree in criminal justice.

Contact criminal justice associate degree Arkansas programs to get more information on your options.



Criminal Justice Associate Programs in Arkansas

If you attend school full-time to earn your Associate’s degree, you may be able to complete your education in about four semesters. This degree is fairly flexible, making it a good choice for those who need to work well in school and want to get into the criminal justice workforce as quickly as possible.

In addition to traditional in-person degree programs, consider an online criminal justice associate degree program. Online schools present information in a variety of ways, from video lectures and class chats to group projects, readings, and forum discussions. The layout of an online degree makes it extremely flexible, allowing you to complete your coursework when you have time.

Selecting the appropriate area of study can help you better prepare for the career paths that interest you. Options vary across Arkansas, so it’s important to contact schools in your area and discuss your degree choices.

Programs that are available in this state include crime scene investigation, law enforcement, forensics, fire science, and corrections.

If you pursue a general criminal justice degree, you may take classes like:

  • Foundations of Criminology
  • Social Problems
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Criminal Evidence and Procedure
  • Community Relations in Law Enforcement
  • Criminal Investigations

The amount of time you spend in school and the amount of money you spend is influenced by the school you choose and how many courses you take per semester.

Statewide averages for criminal justice associate degrees are listed below:

  • Timeframe: 2 years
  • Average Cost: $3403 per year (College Board, 2016)
  • Credits: 60-63 credits

Scholarships are available through a number of organizations and associations, due to the importance of criminal justice throughout Arkansas. You may look into options available through groups like the Arkansas Fraternal Order of Police.

What Can I Do With a Criminal Justice Degree in Arkansas?

After you complete your associate degree criminal justice program, you may begin preparing for your career. The next step depends on what your career goals are. For example, if you want to become a police officer, you may need to attend the police academy and complete their rigorous physical training before you qualify for policing jobs. Other positions may be open to you as soon as you have a degree.

One of the advantages of working in Arkansas is the positive job outlook. From now through 2030, CareerOneStop anticipates a steady level of fire inspector jobs. In this position, you may inspect the causes and outcomes of fires to determine whether or not arson has occurred.

Job openings for police patrol officers may increase 11% by 2030 (CareerOneStop, 2022). Those who go on to become police detectives may see a 7% jump in demand during this time (CareerOneStop, 2022).

Arkansas salaries are in line with Midwest averages. Firefighters report an average income of $36,470 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Police patrol officers earn an average of $42,000 per year (BLS, 2022). An average income of $60,680 annually is reported for police detectives (BLS, 2022). Since many criminal justice professionals are employed by the state, county, or city, you may find that your income potential increases as you gain seniority and experience.

Before you can protect your community as a criminal justice professional, you have to get the right education behind you.

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Arkansas contained here reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2023.

Make your move today—learn more about earning an associate degree in criminal justice by contacting the programs listed below.